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Wed, May 12, 21.

Identities of the Messiah in Isaiah

The following identifies the Messiah through acts, attributes and various description of Him in the prophecy of Isaiah the prophet.

  1. Who will save Jersualem from the Assyrian invasion? All those listed below are prophesied by Isaiah to deliver Jerusalem from Judah. Since they all play the same role of delivering Jerusalem from Assyria, it means that they are the same person. The Names (and titles) are just different aliases for the same person.
    1. Immanuel [Isa 8:6-10]—although it is clear, just from reading Isaiah alone, that the Immanuel is actually the Messiah, the Matthew confirms this since he identifies Jesus the Messiah as the prophesied Immanuel [Mat 1:20-21,22-23]
    2. Yahweh’s Majestic Voice [Isa 30:30-31]—although this title sounds like a phenomenon, it is really in this prophecy, the Name of a person
    3. The Angel of Yahweh [Isa 37:36-37]
    4. The Name of Yahweh [Isa 30:30-31]
    5. The Light of Israel, the Great Light [Isa 10:17]
  2. He will be Deity, i.e., a God
    1. Immanuel [Isa 7:14-17; 8:6-10] (Immanuel means God with us)
    2. The Child Born and the Son Given to Us [Isa 9:6-7] (He will be called “Mighty God”)
    3. The Light, the Great Light [Isa 9:2]
  3. He will be born and grow as a man—a divine being that becomes a human
    1. The Arm of Yahweh [Isa 53:1-2] (The Arm of Yahweh is certainly a divine being, Isaiah prophesies about death. Since he has to be a man to be able to die, it means that he became a man.)
    2. Immanuel [Isa 7:14-17; 8:6-10] (The name Immanuel means, “God with us“. While this may have just be figurative, it is confirmed to be literal by the fact that he is actually the Arm of Yahweh and by the connection to the Angel of Yahweh who fulfilled the prophecy about Immanuel delivering Jerusalem from the Assyrian invasion)
    3. The Son born to David’s house [Isa 9:6] (while the prophesied Son of David may have seemed to be an ordinary man special only because he was chosen to be the Messiah, David’s heir, his prophesied name, “Mighty Godtells us that he actually is a divine being)
  4. He will not be recognized nor believed by the people of Israel
    1. The Servant of Yahweh [Isa 53:11ff]
    2. The Stone, the Rock of Israel, the Cornerstone [Isa 28:16-17; 8:13-15 cf., Isa 26:4; 30:29]
  5. He will suffer and be humiliated and be killed unjustly
    1. The Servant of Yahweh [Isa 50:5-6; 52:14; 53:11]
    2. The Rock, Stone [Isa 7:14-17; 8:6-10]
  6. Men will hear him speak on the Day of Yahweh
    1. Yahweh’s Majestic Voice [Isa 30:30-31]
  7. He will come “...down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail” [Isa 30:30]
    1. Yahweh’s Majestic Voice [Isa 30:30-31]
    2. The Name of Yahweh [Isa 30:30-31]
  8. He will appear over Israel in the Day of Yahweh
    1. The Light of Israel; the Great Light [Isa 60:1; 9:2] (The prophecy regarding the Son of David describes him as a Light, a Great Light. Therefore, when “ Isaiah says to Israel, “Your Light has come…he is actually speaking of the Son of David. It is the son of David that will rise upon them, or in other words, considering other prophecies, “appear over them.)
    2. The Glory of Yahweh [Isa 60:1]
    3. The Arm of Yahweh [Isa 30:30]
    4. Adonai Yahweh [Isa 40:10]
  9. He will be glorious
    1. The Servant of Yahweh [Isa 49:1-3] (God promises to make his servant glorious)
    2. The Glory of Yahweh [Isa 60:1] (Of course, the Glory of Yahweh has to be glorious)
    3. The Light of Israel; the Great Light [Isa 60:1; 9:2] (The Light of Israel is of course glorious, or how else does he have light to shine)
  10. He will bring about the resurrection of the dead
    1. The Light of Israel; the Great Light [Isa 60:1; 9:2] (“Light is a spiritual synonym for “life”. Therefore, the prophecy of the coming of light is a prophecy of the restoration of life, that is resurrection from the dead)
    2. The Servant of Yahweh [Isa 53:11] (He will justify many, qualifying them for eternal life)
  11. He will defend and deliver all who trust in him
    1. The Sanctuary [Isa 8:13-15]—a sanctuary is a signifies protection from the harshness of the elements
    2. The Rock and Cornerstone [Isa 28:16-17; 8:13-15]
    3. The Servant of Yahweh [Isa 49:6]
    4. The Light of Israel and the Gentiles [Isa 49:6]
  12. He will destroy the nations gathered against Jerusalem [Isa 30:31]
    1. Immanuel [Isa 8:6-10], and
    2. The Angel of Yahweh [Isa 37:36-37]
    3. The Angel of Yahweh’s Presence [Isa 63]
    4. The Name of Yahweh [Isa 30:27]
  13. He will reign forever on David’s Throne
    1. The Child Born and the Son Given to Us [Isa 9:6-7]
    2. Immanuel [Isa 7:14-17; 8:6-10]
  14. The Light, the Great Light [Isa 9:2]He will be a father to God’s people
    1. The “Servant of Yahweh.” [Isa 22:21]
    2. The Child Born and the Son Given to Us [Isa 9:6-7]—He will be called “Everlasting Father”
  15. He will rule over the remnant in the land [Isa 11:1]
    1. The Child born and the Son given unto us [Isa 9:6]
    2. The Branch and Root of Jesse [Isa 11:1,10]
  16. He will rule in righteousness. (Since the nation cannot serve to different kings, the Arm of Yahweh, the Son of David, the Branch etc., i.e., all who are prophesied to rule, are the same person.)
    1. The King that will raise in righteousness [Isa 32:1]
    2. The Arm of Yahweh [Isa 40:10] (Since the Arm of Yahweh will be ruling for Yahweh, he will be righteous.)
    3. The Son to be born to David’s house [Isa 9:6]—he will rule forever and this can only be if he and his reign are righteous
  17. He will be feared by all men
    1. The Name of Yahweh [Isa 59:19]
    2. The Glory of Yahweh [Isa 59:19]
  18. He will bring Justice to Israel and the nations
    1. The King from David's house [Isa 9:7; 16:5]
    2. The Branch, the Root of Jesse [Isa 11:1-5]
    3. The Stone, the Cornerstone [Isa 28:16-17]
    4. The King of Righteousness [Isa 32:1]
    5. The Servant of Yahweh [Isa 42:1-4]
    6. The Arm of Yahweh [Isa 51:4-5]